Together we can organize SMEs 17SDGs PARTNERSHIP in creation of the core business strategy as a Business Sustainability Strategy BSS, using 17SDGs for implementation. Wszystkie/All of the the 17SDGs? Yes. Wszystkie/All of the 7SDGs can be the subject of analysis and implementation. Because business can have positive impact on each of the 17SDGs. It can be done directly, or through an impact.
The Partnership can help you to create BSS = 17SDGs+CSR+core business strategy.
SMEs 17SDGs PARTNERSHIP can help you in reaching out for the needed information, as well as helping you to solve common problems and to share experiences.
In 2021 we will have a new law based on Green Deal, Taxonomy for Sustainable Investment and New Non-Financial Reporting Directive based on ISO 26 000.
The business rules are changing. Your business model and style of management is under a pressure for changes.
If you are interested in Partnertship, click the button below. You will receive the answer soon.

The Partnerships for the Goals is the subject of the 17 SDGs. Exchanging of information can help SMEs to implement the Wszystkie/All Global Goals into business long-term strategy.